Friday, June 3, 2011

Food Log-- 6.3.11

Breakfast: Oatmeal with strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, sucanat, and cashews, hemp seeds, sesame seeds, and rice milk on top

Snack: Kids had pears

Lunch:  Split Pea burgers on  homemade whole wheat buns, deviled eggs, red pepper strips,  graham crackers (I had a LARGE handful of graham cracker pieces....)

Dinner: Hummus, homemade pitas, carrots, red peppers and snap peas, raw chocolate covered cookie dough balls for dessert

In doing this, I realize we have eaten a lot of red peppers in the last three days!  Well, they are almost gone and I will have to resort to all the other veggies in our fridge.  I just love red peppers!

No food picture today, but a food preservation picture instead... well, hopefully it will act as one!

Take THAT, groundhog! (Who ate MORE of my broccoli today.... good thing the packet spilled while I was planting them and we ended up with many more than planned... but we don't have enough to keep this rate of eating up for long.)

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