Wednesday, July 20, 2011

A Juicer

I am so thankful to day for our recently acquired JUICER!  I know it's not tuesday anymore, but I just had to write this post! 

We got our awesome new-to-us juicer from a sweet sweet friend!  She got a new one and just GAVE it to us!  The last three mornings, we have been experimenting with delicious, healthful juice. 

Monday it was kale apple pear carrot juice.  Very sweet and delicious!

Tuesday we had kale apple carrot.

And this morning we had kale apple carrot zucchini! 

This morning it was much less sugary than the last two mornings.  I really liked it, though!  I am excited that this is a new way for us to get lots of vitamins and minerals from fresh veggies that we wouldn't necessarily eat. I mean, I will eat kale.  But every day?  Not really.  Plus, you should see the kale plants in our garden-- they are huge!  So not only are we eating fruits and veggies, but they are fresh picked from our garden!  Yay! 

Since I am a little wary of only drinking juice and not eating the fiber of the food with the juice, I will not juice every day, or at least I will make juice that is low in or has no sugar.  But even this morning when the juice was not that sweet, two out of three kids drank everything I gave them.  :-) Regardless, I am still excited about this new avenue to explore! 

Thanks so much for my juicer! 


  1. Use the pulp from the juicer to make dehydrated crackers...and you will still get the fiber. Have the juice and crackers together!

  2. She looks beautiful, you really cleaned her up nice :) So happy!! <3

  3. Janet-I was talking about the juicer, since it was so dirty...not the beautiful baby!!! I was thinking about this, and how it might of sounded weird. soooorrry!! <3

  4. So pretty and some really great ideas!!! I love the platter the best, as I have a thing for platters! :)
    Thanks for sharing!
