Tuesday, April 12, 2011

My Garden!


We have been outside a LOT in the last two days! And, we have been working on our garden!  Hooray!  You may remember a couple of weeks ago when I told you we had bought seeds for the garden.  Well, this weekend, we started planting IN our garden.  I am already looking forward to eating all the delicious foods we planted (or still have to plant). 

Here's what we've done so far. 

Last fall, we planted 25 garlic cloves, and they are coming up!

Then, we started seeds (way too early, I learned one day too late!) on March 1.  We started three kinds of tomatoes, three or four kinds of peppers, broccoli, lettuce, basil and cilantro.  These plants are so big now!  We are going to buy pots and plant them in soil from our garden. That way we can take them in and outside for the next month, but hopefully they won't be too shocked when we transplant them.  (I really have no idea if this will work.... can you tell I'm a novice gardener?!!)
Ben planting peas

A couple of weeks ago, Chris and the boys went out and dug the horseradish.  They have been enjoying it on anything they can think of.  I enjoy watching them eat it.  :-P

Ben with peas!
This weekend, we planted wild garlic as an experiment, to see what happens.  :-) Also, we planted peas, snap peas, kale, spinach, lettuce, brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower and beets.

Ellie helps
I am so thankful for our garden.  Last year, we were so blessed to eat fresh picked vegetables. The boys are learning the benefit of hard work.  They are trying new foods, and seeing how they grow.  We are thankful to have a huge backyard and a landlord who lets us plant in it! We are learning how to garden (we are by NO means experts!) I am looking forward to hopefully canning/preserving some of the things we grow to enjoy throughout the year!

How it looks today!
We are so blessed in so many ways by our garden.  So today, and this spring/summer as we work in our garden, and this fall and winter as we enjoy the fruits of it, I will be thankful for our garden!
Happy Gardening!


  1. Love it!!! Gardening is very rewarding in so many ways.

  2. I have started all my herbs. I love gardening, this year we are expanding our gardens. We all get involved in it.

    Have a great week!

  3. Mike and I are also novice gardeners. Love seeing your garden and pics of the kids!!!

  4. Last year I planted lettuce, fennel, spinach, and carrots and then I got morning sickness and pretty much abandoned my garden. My lettuce and fennel went to seed (the carrots barely grew at all) Everything except the spinach started coming up again this spring. The other three vegetables seem to be pretty resilient. I did not tend my garden at all except to pull up a few weeds that were growing close to the vegetables. We have just been eating the lettuce as its ready (it's been growing ALL over the garden and the perimeter of the garden). We've had salad from our garden three times since last Friday! Delicious. Have fun with your growing.
